Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It can address common questions and provide answers to help visitors better understand your business, products or services.

If one of your products has not been delivered, please update our contact form and give us your order number and as much information as possible. We will contact you as soon as possible.

If one of the items you received is faulty or damaged, please let us know via our contact form. We will replace the damaged item as soon as possible or refund your money, if you prefer.

If you wish to change your order details, please send an email to our contact form.

CBD is safe and generally well tolerated and there are no reports of serious side effects. However, in rare cases people may experience mild side effects, such as dry mouth, dizziness and reduced blood pressure. These side effects are usually the result of using low quality products or exceeding the recommended daily dose.

If you are taking prescription medications, consult a doctor before using CBD, as it may interact with certain medications.